年 | 受賞者 | 所属 | 受賞テーマ |
2025 | 山田 悠介,北隅 優希,白井 理 | 京大 | Elucidation of Rapid Synchronization on Electric Discharge by Use of Model Cell Systems Mimicking Electric Organs of Electric Eel |
2025 | 石尾 吉史,山本 貴之,眞鍋 光毅,野平 俊之 | 京大 | In-Situ Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of Factors Improving Discharge Rate Capability of Na-Ion Batteries with FSA-Based Ionic Liquids |
2025 | 岸見 光浩,森田 将史,平野 辰巳,木内 久雄,梶原 堅太郎,河口 智也,中田 明良,荒井 創,松原 英一郎,小久見 善八,森田 昌行,安部 武志 | (株)大阪ソード,京都大学,あいちシンクロトロン光センター,東北大,大阪公立大,東京科学大,早大 | Analytical Observation of Cathodic Zinc Deposition in High-Capacity Zinc Oxide Electrodes for Rechargeable Zinc-based Batteries: Influence of the Current Rate in the First Charging |
2025 | 中村 天彰,池田 康太,森永 遼音,吉田 司 | 山形大 | Kinetic Analysis of Oxygen Reduction Reaction for Electrodeposition of ZnO Thin Films |
2024 | 中村 太一,有吉 欽吾 | 大阪公立大 |
Elucidation of Side Reactions in Lithium-ion Batteries with Electrolyte Decomposition Products via Overdischarge for Li[Li1/3Ti5/3]O4/Li[Li0.1Al0.1Mn1.8]O 4 Cells with an Imbalanced State-of-Charge |
2024 | 滝本 大裕,鈴木 啓介,秀島 翔,杉本 渉 | 信州大 |
Origin of the Adsorption-Controlled Redox Behavior of Quinone-Based Molecules: Importance of the Micropore Width |
2024 |
中里 亮介, 松本 慶江子,山口 登,Margherita CAVALLO,Valentina CROCELLÀ,Francesca BONINO,Matthias QUINTELIER,Joke HADERMANN,Nataly Carolina ROSERO-NAVARRO,三浦 章,忠永 清治 |
北大,University of Turin,University of Antwerp |
CO2 Electrochemical Reduction with Zn-Al Layered Double Hydroxide-Loaded Gas-Diffusion Electrode |
2024 | Navapat KROBKRONG,上松 太郎,鳥本 司,桑畑 進 | 阪大,名古屋大 | Photoluminescence Redshift of AgInS2 Quantum Dots by Employing Shells with Graded Composition |
2024 | 小磯 聡士,栗岡 智行,一二三 遼祐,冨田 育義,稲木 信介 | 東京工業大学 |
Cathodic Hydrodefluorination of a π-Conjugated Alternating Copolymer Consisting of 9,9-Dioctylfluorene and Tetrafluorophenylene |
2023 | Wencong WANG,半澤弘昌,町田憲一,宮崎晃平,安部武志 | 京大,阪大 | LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 Cathode Materials Co-Doped with La3+ and S2− for Use in Lithium-Ion Batteries |
2023 | 万代俊彦,沓間礼華,紺谷昌司,中林志達,金村聖志 | 東京都立大,物質・材料機構 |
Room Temperature Operation of Magnesium Rechargeable Batteries with a Hydrothermally Treated ZnMnO3 Defect Spinel Cathode |
2023 | 木村俊輔,若月洸,中村一希,小林範久 | 千葉大 |
Compensative Electrochromic Device Utilizing Electro-deposited Plasmonic Silver Nanoparticles and Manganese Oxide to Achieve Retention of Chromatic Color |
2023 | 鈴木良将,水畑穣 | 神戸大 |
Predictive Zeta Potential Measurement Method Applicable to Nonaqueous Solvents in High-concentration Dispersion Systems for the System of LiClO4–Propylene Carbonate Solution and LiCoO2 Powder Sheet |
2022 | 中川香澄,竹内道樹,菊地真由,清藤鈴奈,久郷将見,阪本鷹行,加納健司,小川順,櫻谷英治 | 徳島大,京大 |
Mechanistic Insights into Indigo Reduction in Indigo Fermentation: A Voltammetric Study |
2022 | 杉本悠 | 東大 | Missteps in the Analytical Formula of Smaller-Ion Shell Model |
2022 |
木村勇太,舟山啓太,Mahunnop FAKKAO,中村崇司,桑田直明,川田達也,河村純一,雨澤浩史 |
東北大,物質・材料機構 |
Experimental Evaluation of Influence of Stress on Li Chemical Potential and Phase Equilibrium in Two-phase Battery Electrode Materials |
2022 | 中村悠人,佐藤康司,信田尚毅,跡部真人 | 横浜国大,ENEOS(株) |
Electrochemical Trimerization of Catechol to 2,3,6,7,10,11-Hexahydroxytriphenylene Using a Flow Microreactor |
2021 | 小川修平,原正則,鈴木誠也,Prerna JOSHI,吉村雅満 | 豊田工業大,物質・材料機構 | Controlled Deposition of Iridium Oxide Nanoparticles on Graphene |
2021 | 馬場輝久,高尾直樹,本田善岳,荒尾正純,松本匡史,伊藤孝憲,今井英人 | (株)日産アーク |
A Spatially-Resolved operando High-Energy Confocal X-ray Diffraction Method for Observing Non-Uniform Degradation Phenomena in a Practical Cylindrical Lithium-ion Battery |
2021 | 稲生朱音,福塚友和,宮原雄人,宮崎晃平,安部武志 | 京大,名古屋大 |
Lithium-ion Transfer Kinetics through Solid Electrolyte Interphase on Graphite Electrodes |
2021 | 吉田知弘,滝本大裕,望月大,杉本渉 | 信州大 | Size Dependent Fast Li Ion Storage Based on Size Regulated TiO2(B) Nanosheet Electrodes with Vertical, Horizontal and Random Alignment |
2020 | 松前義治,小畑健三,安藤歩未,柳逸人,亀井優太朗,上野和英,獨古薫,渡邉正義 | 東海大,横国大,FC-Cubic |
Effects of Sulfur Loading, Cathode Porosity, and Electrolyte Amount on Li-S Battery Performance with Solvate Ionic Liquid Electrolyte |
2020 | 高嶋敏宏,鈴木智博,入江寛 | 山梨大,同志社大 |
Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide to Formate on Palladium-Copper Alloy Nanoparticulate Electrode |
2020 | 宇根本篤,上田卓,関英二,小田正成,川治純,奥村壮文,雁部祥行,本間格 | (株)日立製作所,東北大 |
Highly Safe 100-Wh-class Lithium-ion Battery Using Lithium Bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide-Tetraethylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether Equimolar Complex-based Quasi-solid-state Electrolyte |
2020 | 安藤鷹,由淵想,作田敦,林晃敏,辰巳砂昌弘 | 大阪府大 |
Mechanochemical Synthesis of Na-Sb Alloy Negative Electrodes and Their Application to All-solid-state Sodium Batteries |
2019 | 鈴木耕太,加藤大,原康介,矢野隆章,平山雅章,原正彦,菅野了次 | 東工大,産総研,JFE |
Composite Sulfur Electrode for All-solid-state Lithium–sulfur Battery with Li2S–GeS2–P2S5-based Thio-LISICON Solid Electrolyte |
2019 | 山中恵介,中西康次,渡辺巌,太田俊明 | 京大 |
Operando Soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopic Study of an All-solid-state Lithium-ion Battery Using a NASICON-type Lithium Conductive Glass Ceramic Sheet |
2019 | 内野陽介,小林貴之,長谷川伸司,永島郁男,砂田良雄,真鍋明義,錦善則,光島重徳 | 横国大 |
Dependence of the Reverse Current on the Surface of Electrode Placed on a Bipolar Plate in an Alkaline Water Electrolyzer |
2019 | 辻悦司,松浦志紀,青木芳尚,幅崎浩樹 | 北大,鳥取大 |
Diffusion-controlled Growth of TiO2 Mesoporous Anodic Films in Hot Phosphate/glycerol Electrolytes |
2018 | 中本康介,坂本遼,伊藤正人,喜多條鮎子,岡田重人 | 九大,山口大 |
Effect of Concentrated Electrolyte on Aqueous Sodium-ion Battery with Sodium Manganese Hexacyanoferrate Cathode |
2018 |
孫鶴,孫麗娜,杉浦隆,Matthew Schuette WHITE,Philipp STADLER,Niyazi Serdar SARICIFTCI,増原陽人,吉田司 |
山形大,岐阜大,ベルモント大,ヨハネス・ケプラー大 |
Microwave-assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis of Structure-controlled ZnO Nanocrystals and Their Properties in Dye-sensitized Solar Cells |
2018 | 薄木伸哉,内田悟史,松井由紀子,山縣雅紀,日名子英範,石川正司 | 関西大, 旭化成(株) |
Preparation of Micropore-rich High Surface Area Activated Carbon from N-doped Carbon Precursor and its Application to Positive Electrode in Lithium-sulfur Battery |
2017 | 七里慧,白井理,北隅優希,加納健司 | 京大 |
Coupling of Proton Transport across Planar Lipid Bilayer and Electron Transport Catalyzed by Membrane-bound Enzyme D-Fructose Dehydrogenase |
2017 | 大池諒,岡本悠佑,徳島高,中村崇司,雨澤浩史 | 東北大,理研 |
In-situ Simultaneous Soft X-ray Absorption and Emission Spectroscopy under Controlled Atmosphere and Temperature |
2017 | 松原嵩,土屋由佳,山中恵介,光原圭,太田俊明,藪内直明 | 東電機大,立命館大 |
Synthesis and Electrode Performance of Li4MoO5-LiFeO2 Binary System as Positive Electrode Materials for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries |
2017 | 橋上聖,川西将之,吉見啓,氏家諭,稲垣亨,橋之口道宏,土井貴之,稲葉稔 | 関西電力,同志社大 |
Suppression of Manganese-ion Dissolution by SiO2 Aerosol Addition from Spray Pyrolyzed Li2MnO3-LiMn1/3Ni1/3Co1/3O2 |
2016 | 城間純,五百蔵勉 | 産総研 | 種々の条件下における多孔質電極の電気化学インピーダンスの伝送線モデル解析解に基づく予測 |
2016 | 松田泰明,松井雅樹,三田貴大,高士祐輔,今西誠之 | 三重大,さきがけ |
Low Temperature Synthesis of High Crystalline Spinel Oxides: LiNi1/2Mn3/2O4 |
2016 | 山縣雅紀,田中康平,鶴田佳宏,曽根理嗣,福田盛介,中須賀真一,河野通之,石川正司 | 関西大,iElectrolyte LLC,総研究大院大,東大,宇宙航空研究開発 |
The First Lithium-ion Battery with Ionic Liquid Electrolyte Demonstrated in Extreme Environment of Space |
2016 | 福満仁志,大森美穂,寺田健二,末広省吾 | (株)住化分析センター |
Development of In Situ Cross-Sectional Raman Imaging of LiCoO2 Cathode for Li-ion Battery |
2015 | 近藤寛,東由貴,吉田真明,紋谷祐爾,豊島遼,間瀬一彦,雨宮健太,月岡深志,長坂将成,岩澤康裕,折田秀夫,向井孝三,吉信淳 | 慶應大,物質構造化学研,東大,産総研 |
Structure and Photo-Induced Charge Transfer of Pyridine Molecules Adsorbed on TiO2(110): A NEXAFS and Core-Hole-Clock Study |
2015 | 小谷明,小谷智子,小島智史,袴田秀樹,楠文代 | 東薬大,多摩病院 |
Determination of Aristolochic Acids I and II in Herbal Medicines by High-performance Liquid Chromatography with Electrochemical Detection |
2015 | 大山剛輔,西村真一,Sai-Cheong CHUNG,大久保將史,山田淳夫 | 東大,京大 |
Electrochemical Properties of Heterosite FePO4 in Aqueous Mg2+ Electrolytes |
2015 |
伊奈稔哲,折笠有基,Titus MASESE,中尾孝之,嶺重温,雨澤浩史,谷田肇,宇留賀朋哉,内本喜晴 |
京大,兵庫大,東北大,高輝度光化学研 |
Relationship between Local Structure and Oxide Ionic Diffusion of Nd2NiO4+δ with K2NiF4 Structure |
2014 | 澤村享広,高橋広太,稲木信介,淵上寿雄 | 東工大 |
Sodium Salts Dissolution in an Aprotic Solvent by Coordination of Poly(ethylene glycol) for Effective Anodic Reactions of Organic Compounds |
2014 | 鳥羽哲也,安田幸司,野平俊之,楊肖,萩原理加,一坪幸輝,増田賢太,本間敬之 | 京大,太平洋セメント(株),早大 | Electrolytic Reduction of SiO2 Granules in Molten CaCl2 |
2014 | 伊野浩介,西條拓,菅野佑介,小沢文智,新井俊陽,高橋康史,珠玖仁,末永智一 | 東北大 |
Electrochemical Device with Interdigitated Ring Array Electrodes for Investigating the Relationship between Cardiomyocyte Differentiation from Embryonic Stem Cells and Alkaline Phosphatase Activity |
2014 | 直井勝彦,浅川雄一郎,渡邉栄人,安原純平,米倉大介,直井和子 | 東農工大,(有)ケー・アンド・ダブル |
3.3-V-Rated EDLC Performance with an Alternative Conducting Agent (nc-RuO2·nH2O/KB) |
2013 | 川部佳照,藪内直明,梶山正貴,福原智人,稲益徳雄,奥山良一,中井泉,駒場慎一 | 東理大,(株)GSユアサ |
A Comparison of Crystal Structures and Electrode Performance between Na2FePO4F and Na2Fe0.5Mn0.5PO4F Synthesized by Solid-State Method for Rechargeable Na-Ion Batteries |
2013 | 國本雅宏,中井浩巳,本間敬之 | 早大 |
Theoretical Analysis of Catalytic Activity of Metal Surfaces on Reaction of Hypophosphite Ion |
2013 | 津田哲哉,望月衛子,岸田祥子,阪上宏樹,立花繁明,海老澤正晴,根本典子,西村良知,桑畑進 |
阪大,九大,エスアイアイ・ナノテクノロ ジー(株),テクノラボ(株),北里大,CREST |
Observation of Electrochemical Reaction and Biological Specimen by Novel Analytical Technique Combined with Room-Temperature Ionic Liquid and Scanning Electron Microscope |
2013 | 松井由紀子,川口俊介,杉本敏規,菊田学,東崎哲也,河野通之,山縣雅紀,石川正司 | 関西大,エレクセル(株), 第一工業製薬(株) |
Charge-Discharge Characteristics of a LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 Cathode in FSI-based Ionic Liquids |
2012 | 駒場慎一,大関朋彰,藪内直明,下村圭司 | 東理大 |
Polyacrylate as Functional Binder for Silicon and Graphite Composite Electrode in Lithium-Ion Batteries |
2012 | 木村隆之,舩岡正光 | 新神戸電機(株),三重大 | リグノフェノールのメトキシル基が鉛蓄電池の充放電性能に及ぼす影響 |
2012 | 永井つかさ,田村真治,今中信人 | 阪大 |
Highly Water Durable NH3 Gas Sensor Based on Al3+ Ion Conducting Solid Electrolyte with NH4+-Gallate |
2012 | 鈴木修一,小野寺大剛,川治純,水上貴彰,高森良幸,大門英夫,森島慎 | (株)日立製作所,日立マクセル (株) |
Optimum Surface Composition of Platinum-Ruthenium Nanoparticles and Sputter-deposited Films for Methanol Oxidation Reaction |
2011 | 川口知行,杉本渉,高須芳雄 | 信州大 |
Effect of Temperature and Adsorption Potential on the Electro-oxidation of Adsorbed Carbon Monoxide on Carbon Supported PtRu |
2011 | 珠玖仁,熊谷絢子,Hong Qun LUO,高橋康史,安川智之,山田弘,末永智一 | 東北大,西南大,兵庫県立大,防衛大 |
Electrochemical Characterization of Enzyme and Immunoglobulin G Patterned Using Microcontact Printing |
2011 | 薄井洋行,西浪裕之,飯田貴久,坂口裕樹 | 鳥取大 |
Anode Properties of Cu-Coated Si Thick Film Electrodes Prepared by Electroless Deposition and Gas-Deposition |
2011 | 田中康隆,金子淳哉,蓑島正訓,入山恭寿,藤波達雄 | 静岡大 |
Electrochemical Properties of a Mixed Boric Ester as a Novel Electrolyte Solvent |
2010 | 渡邉亮子,彌田智一,伊藤香織 | 東工大,JST-PRESTO | Nanostructured Titanium Oxide Fabricated via Block Copolymer Template |
2010 | 菅野裕士,丸山剛,獨古薫,金村聖志 | 首都大,横国大 | 球状LiMn2O4を用いた焼結式多孔性電極の電気化学特性の評価 |
2010 | 小野新平,三輪一元,関志朗,竹谷純一 | (財)電中研,阪大,JST-PRESTO | High-performance Organic Field-effect Transistors with Ionic Liquids |
2010 | 西村友作,野平俊之,森岡孝之,萩原理加 | 京大 |
Electrochemical Reduction of Silicon Tetrachloride in an Intermediate-Temperature Ionic Liquid |
2009 | 荒井健男,柳田真利,小西由也,杉原秀樹,佐山和弘 | 産総研 |
Utilization of Fe3+/Fe2+ Redox for the Photodegradation of Organic Substances over WO3 Photocatalyst and for H2 Production from the Electrolysis of Water |
2009 | 板垣昌幸,四反田功,中島大輔,渡辺邦洋,平崎敏文,額賀孝訓,梅村文夫 | 東理大,東京電力(株) | ウェーブレット変換とチャンネルフロー電極法を用いた鉄電極の電気化学ノイズ解析 |
2009 | 松岡英明,駒崎太夢,向井嘉子,斉藤美佳子 | 東農工大,CREST |
Electric Gene Expression in Single-cells of Rice Protoplast via Ca2+ Entering the Cell |
2009 | 多田智之,山本夕美,光島重徳,太田健一郎 | 田中貴金属工業(株),横国大 | 熱拡散白金ルテニウム合金触媒の組成比が耐一酸化炭素被毒特性へ与える影響 |
2008 | 稲葉稔,山田裕久,梅林良太,杉下昌史,田坂明政 | 同志社大 |
Membrane Degradation in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells under Low Humidification Conditions |
2008 | 長谷川円,山近紀行,沖中裕,Yosi SHACHAM-DIAMAND,逢坂哲彌 | 早大,TelAviv University |
An Electrochemical Investigation of Additive Effect in Trench-Filling of ULSI Interconnects by Electroless Copper Deposition |
2008 | 曽根理嗣,大登裕樹,久保田昌明,山本真裕,吉田浩之,江黒高志,酒井茂,吉田禎仁,鵜野将年,廣瀬和之,田島道夫,川口淳一郎 | JAXA,古河電池(株),NEC東芝スペースシステム(株) |
The Performance of the Lithium-Ion Secondary Cells under Micro-Gravity Conditions—In-Orbit Operation of the Interplanetary Spacecraft ‘HAYABUSA’ |
2008 | 板垣昌幸,荒木晴美,四反田功,渡辺邦洋,片山英樹,野田和彦 | 東理大,(独)物質・材料研,芝浦工大 |
Electrochemical Impedance of Rust Film Fabricated by Deposition from Fe(III) in Solution |
2007 | 和間良太郎,内山政弘,三浦則雄 | 九大,国立環境研 |
Highly Sensitive NO2 Sensor Based on Stabilized-zirconia Tube and Nitrite-based Auxiliary Sensing-electrode |
2007 | 長谷部靖,顧婷婷,日下部均 | 埼玉工業大, ヤマサ醤油(株) |
Glutamate Biosensor Using a DNA-Cu(II)/polyamine Membrane as a Novel Electrocataytic Layer for Cathodic Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide |
2007 | 栗原均,田嶋稔樹,淵上壽雄 | 東工大 | Mixed-Kolbe Electrolysis Using Solid-Supported Bases |
2007 | 林加奈子,金承鶴,千葉一裕 | 東農工大 |
Reversible Capture of Electrogenerated Intermediates by Liquefiable Micro-particles Containing an Amphiphilic Tag |
2006 | 佐藤誠,押切剛伸,山田明文,青柿良一 | ポリテクセンター会津,山形県立産業技術短大,長岡技大,職能開発総大 |
Morphological Change in Multi-layered 2D-dendritic Growth of Silver-substitution Plating under Vertical Gravity Field |
2006 |
津田哲哉,Charles L.HUSSEY,野平俊之,生駒吉弘,山内香澄,萩原理加,伊藤靖彦 |
ミシシッピー大,京大 |
Anodic Hydrogen Electrode Reaction in Aluminum Chloride-1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Chloride Ionic Liquids |
2006 | 工藤憲治,光島重徳,神谷信行,太田健一郎 | 横国大 |
Ionic conductivity and Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Pt in Proton Conductive Room Temperature Molten Salts for 2-Alkylimidazolium and Brønsted-Acid Added Systems |
2006 | 町田健治,中川裕美子,荻原信宏,直井勝彦 | 東農工大 | インドール類のレドックスキャパシタ特性Ⅲ―非水電解液中での5-カルボキシサイクリックインドールトリマーの電気化学特性― |
2005 | 清水康博,中元幸香,兵頭健生,江頭誠 | 長崎大 |
Decomposition of Organic Compounds by Microwave-induced Plasma in Liquid Phase |
2005 |
谷口功,野中康弘,Zekerya DUSUN,Sami BEN AOUN,金長春,房敬淑,古賀哲舟,外邨正 |
熊本大,松下電器産業(株) |
Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Sugars at Ag Ad-layer Modified Au(100) Electrodes in Alkaline Solutions |
2005 | 小林範久,橋本正嗣,草深一彦 | 千葉大 |
Structure of DNA-Ru(bpy)32+ Complex and Its Application to Orange Color Electroluminescence Device |
2005 | 出来成人,中田明良,水畑穣 | 神戸大 |
Fabrication of Metal-oxide Nanoparticles by the Liquid Phase Deposition Method in the Heterogeneous System |
2004 | 今中信人,小倉章生,足立吟也 | 阪大 |
Practical Smart CO2 Gas Sensor Applicable for In-situ Real Time Monitoring |
2004 | 西脇芳典,寺田靖子,中井泉 | 兵庫県警,Spring-8,東理大 | リチウムマンガンスピネル正極材の高温劣化挙動のin situ TXRF-XAFS解析 |
2004 | 笹原隆彦,西村昌晃,石原裕己,豊田和弘,砂山竜男,植村彰一,小澤崇,荻野薫,江頭誠 | 矢崎総業,長崎大 |
Detection of Volatile Organic Compounds by a Catalytic Combustion Sensor under Pulse Heating Operation |
2004 | 上田篤司,内富和孝,青山茂夫 | 日立マクセル |
Characteristic Features of Layered Li[MxNi(1−x)/2Mn(1−x)/2]O2 (M = Co and Ni) Positive Electrode Materials and Their Li-ion Batteries |
2003 | 篠原賢次,橋本和仁,青柿良一 | 東大,職能開発総大 |
Macroscopic Fluid Motion Accompanying Copper Corrosion in Nitric Acid under a Vertical Magnetic Field |
2003 | 辻村清也,加納健司,池田篤治 | 京大 | Glucose/O2 Biofuel Cell Operating at Physiological Conditions |
2002 | 宇恵誠,竹原雅裕,大浦靖,鳥海明子,武田政幸 | 三菱化学 |
High Sensitive Detection of Impurities in Nonaqueous Electrolyte Solutions by a Rotating Disk Electrode |
2002 | 芳尾真幸,夏永姚,境哲男 | 佐賀大,産総研 | 酸素欠損マンガンスピネルの電気化学的,物理化学的挙動 |
2001 | 兵頭健生,金沢英一,高尾雄二,清水康博,江頭誠 | 長崎大,九大 |
H2 Sensing Properties and Mechanism of Nb2O5 – Bi2O3 Varistor – type Gas Sensors |
2001 | 金井秀樹,橋本拓也,田川博章,水崎純一郎 | 横浜国大,日大,東北大 |
The Effect of Defect Structure on Electrical Conductivity and Thermoelectric Power of La2-xSrxCuO4-δ at High Temperatures |
2000 | 野平俊之,伊藤靖彦 | 京大院 |
Electrode Behavior of Si and Evolution of SiH4 in Molten LiCl-KCl-LiH Systems |
2000 | 杉原幸樹,寺西正,嶋津克明,魚崎浩平 | 北大院 |
Structure Dependence of the Surface pKa of Mercaptoundecanoic Acid SAM on Gold |
1999 | 獨古薫,西澤松彦,内田勇 | 東北大院工 |
High Resolution Cyclic Voltammograms of LiMn2-x NixO4 with a Microelectrode Technique |
1999 | 中島正人,澤幡政利,吉田摂,佐藤完二,金子浩子,根岸明,野崎健 | (株)茨城環境技術センター,加島北共同発電(株),(有)筑波物質情報研究所,電総研 |
Vanadium Redox Flow Battery with Resources Saving Recycle Ability I. Production of Electrolytic Solution for Vanadium Redox Flow Battery from Boiler Soot |
1998 | 鈴木雅三,佐治哲夫 | (株)INAX,東工大 |
Electrochemical Behavior of Surfactants Containing an Anthraquinone Group and Their Application to the Formation of Organic Thin Films |
1997 | 吉岡省二,漆畑広明 | 三菱電機(株) |
溶融炭酸塩型燃料電池におけるLi2CO3/Na2CO3系電解質の優位性 II.寿命特性に対する塩基度の効果 |
1996 | 板垣昌幸,田垣昌利,渡辺邦洋 | 東京理科大理工 | 塩化物イオンを含む酸性溶液中での鉄の活性溶解機構 |
1996 | 佐藤縁,水谷文雄 | 生命工学工業研究所 |
Electrochemical Responses of Cytochrome c on Gold Electrode Modified with Bis (4-pyridyl) Disulfide/n-Alkanethiol Mixed Monolayers |
1995 | 津山友美,田中和子,磯貝泰弘,飯塚哲太郎 | 学習院大,理研 | カーボン微小電極を用いたスーパーオキシドアニオンラジカル(O2-)の電気化学的検出.培養細胞(HL-60細胞)への応用 |
1995 |
University of Orsay, University of Creteil |
Electrochemical Activation of Bromotrifluoromethane Using Various Reactive Electrodes. Synthetic Applications |
1994 | 堀田照久,酒井夏子,川田逹也,横川晴美,土器屋正之 | 物質工学工業技術研究所 | Reaction of SOFC Components with Sealing Materials |
1994 | 宇恵誠,Steven J. VISCO,Lutgard C. De JONGHE |
三菱油化,Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of California Berkeley |
Comparison of Cathode Utilization between Polymeric Organodisulfide and Titanium Disulfide in Solid Polymer Electrolyte Rechargeable Lithium Cells |
1993 | 麦倉良啓,阿部俊夫,渡辺隆夫,伊崎慶之 | 電中研 | 溶融炭酸塩型燃料電池の性能評価 II.性能相関式の開発 |
1993 | 蔡汝雄,酒井秀樹,橋本和仁,窪田吉信,藤嶋昭 | 東大院工,横浜市立大医 |
Phagocytosis of Titanium Dioxide Particles and Titanium Dioxide Particles Chemically Modified by Hematoporphyrin |
1992 | 清水陽一,岡本保朗,姚勝,三浦則雄,山添曻 | 九大院工 |
Solid Electrolyte NO2 Sensors Fitted with Sodium Nitrate and/or Barium Nitrate Electrodes |
1992 | 外邨正,伊藤修二,近藤繁雄,岩城勉 | 松下電器産業(株) |
Solid State Battery Using Copper Ion Conductive Solid Electrolyte Sheet and Copper Chevrel Phase Compound Electrode Flexible Sheets |